Site audit and testing

$ 200.00
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We do testing and audits. We maintain and fill the site with content, photos, text, and new functionality. We are improving the existing website and doing a redesign. We set up hosting, domains, etc. We work both one-time and monthly.
Testing, and technical, usability, or SEO audit of the site. To identify errors and problems that hinder progress in search, as well as how convenient and easy it is for the user to interact with the site. Checking the quality of the site, analyzing competitors and more.

Briefly, what the services include and who is it suitable for:

Who has problems with site display in search and interaction.
Who doesn’t have enough calls, orders, feedback on the website.
Search for technical, usability, SEO errors that interfere with the promotion and interaction of the user with the site.
Study of analytical metrics. Optimization of the site, content and its quality. Study, comparison with competitors, etc.
Testing all buttons, forms, site functionality, etc.
Report on found errors and problems. Recommendations for correcting them. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the site.
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    • Total votes: 1
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